How to send a 1 on 1 message via chat UI

How to send a 1 on 1 message via chat UI

How to send a 1 on 1 message via chat UI? Just follow the steps below.

1. Open a record (by default it's available for Leads, Contacts, Deals or Accounts though you can add it to other custom modules too)

2. Click Twilio Messaging.

3. To send a message, type in the area shown below:

4. You can also add some Attachments (this only works if you are in the US/Canada or you are sending a whatsapp message)
After creating the messages, press Enter or click the send button.

5.  The message you have sent will appear in the conversation view. Any replies from the other person will appear here instantly.

6. To adjust the sending settings, click the hamburger menu (≡). Generally you won't have to make changes here as the system will automatically choose the same sending method and from/to number that were used previously in the conversation.

7. You can edit the following sending options:
From: e.g: Default Twilio Number +16107561881 ( you can choose from any of your Twilio numbers)
Sending to: e.g: Phone - 555-555-5555 ( you can choose from phone or mobile or any different phone number fields on the records)
Delivery Method: e.g.: SMS / MMS (you can choose from SMS / MMS or Whatsapp)
Who should be notified of replies: e.g. : Owner of each record ( you can choose from Owner of each record or Me )

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