How to send an automated message for the Tasks, Meeting and Calls module

How to send an automated message for the Tasks, Meeting and Calls module

How to send an automated message for the Tasks, Meeting and Calls module. Just follow the steps below:

1. Go to Setting> Workflow Rules .

2. You can Create Rule

3. Create a New Rule:

Module:(select a Module were this workflow to take effect. e.g. Meetings)
Rule Name: (set a Rule Name like this ,e.g.  Trigger SMS for Meeting)
Description: (optional)

4.Choose when do you want to execute the rule?
e.g: • On a record action
          • Create
    click Next

5.  Look for Instant Actions and then Create Record .
on Instant Actions  ≫ Create Record

5. On Creating Record 
You can set a Create Record like this;
Twilio SMS Message Owner: Reference${Meetings.Host}
                              Activity ID: ${Meetings.Meeting Id}
                          Activity Type: Meeting  (depending on the Module)
                                 Message: Hi, your appointment at
                                                  ${Meetings.Location} is taking place at
                                                ${Meetings.From}. Look forward to seeing you there. )

6. Save

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