Link inbound messages to all possible contacts?

Link inbound messages to all possible contacts

This setting is useful if you have multiple Leads, Contacts or Deals with the same phone number and you want the complete history to be visible in each of the records. Most of the time you'll want to keep this setting deactivated as you'd normally have a good reason for having multiple records for the same phone number. For example, maybe you have multiple Deals for one Contact and want correspondence about that deal to only be in one place. If it was replicated in all the other deals, it would be quite confusing.

1. Go to Settings,
2. Under the Marketplace click All.

3. Click Installed.

4. Look for the Smooth Messenger - Twilio SMS for Zoho CRM, then click the Settings.

5. Click Advanced Settings.

6. Look for Link inbound messages to all possible contacts?. 
Then, check the Yes, please option.
(Generally, you'll want to disable this as if you have the same phone number in multiple records (e.g. multiple deals), you'd probably want to have the conversation separate for each record (e.g. see communication history about a particular deal. If you want to have it synced everywhere, tick this box.)

7. Click Save 

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