Smooth Messenger Setting up for Custom Modules

Smooth Messenger Setting up for Custom Modules

It's possible to set up the SMS for Zoho CRM by MessageMedia (Smooth Messenger) extension to work with custom modules. Follow the steps below to get it working:

1. Go to Setup > Developer Space > APIs > API Names and find the API name for your custom module (on the right-hand side).

e.g. For the Agreement Recipients custom module, the API name is adobeesign__Agreement_Recipients.

Important: the custom module API name must end with s. "Purchases" is ok. Purchase is not.

2. Click on the custom module and find the API name for the phone number field in that module (in the middle column).

e.g. the API name for Special Phone is Special_Phone.

3. Go to Marketplace > Installed and click on the Details button for the SMS for Zoho CRM by MessageMedia (Smooth Messenger) plugin.

4. Click the Settings button.

5. Go to advanced settings. Put the API name for the custom module in this field (note you can have multiple custom modules linked. Separate them with commas. e.g. HC82s,Drivers

6. Put the API name for the phone number field in this field.

You can have multiple API names. Separate them with commas.

7. Navigate to Setup > Developer Space > Widgets.

8. Click Create New Widget.

9. Fill out the fields.
- Name: You can put whatever you like here. I recommend putting the custom module name followed by quick messenger 
- Widget Type: Related List
- Hosting: external

and then click Save.

10. Repeat step 9. Fill out the fields as follows:
- Name. Whatever you like. I recommend the Custom Module name followed by "Button"
- Widget Type: Button
- Hosting: external

Click Save.

11. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules and Fields.

12. Click on your Custom Module.

13. Click on Links and Buttons.

14. Click on + New Button.

15. Fill out the details for the button.
- Name: Send Bulk Smooth Message
- Location: List View - Mass Action Menu
- Action: Open a Widget

16. Click the Set Permissions button and choose which profiles will have access to the custom button and Save.

17. Repeat steps 15 and 16. Fill out the fields as follows:
- Name: Send Smooth Message
- Location: View Page
- Action: Open a Widget

18. Click the Set Permissions button and choose which profiles will have access to the custom button and Save.

19. Open Setup > Customization > Modules and Fields and open the Smooth Messages module.

20. Click on Standard.

21. Add a new Lookup field.
- Field Label: ${Custom Module API Name} in singular+Name e.g. HC82Name
- Related List Title: Smooth Messages

22. Navigate to the Custom Module and test out the button.

23. Open a Custom Module record.

24. Click on Add Related List on the left-hand side.

25. Click Widgets.

26. Click install.

27. Name the related list "Smooth Messenger" and Save.

28. Test the new Widget.

It should work with inbound and outbound messages.

29. Add these fields to the Custom Module:
- Last Time They Replied To Twilio Message: Date Time field
- They sent an SMS and we haven't replied: Checkbox
- twiliosmsextension0_Twilio_SMS_Message_Opt_Out: Checkbox

1. ${CustomModuleSingular}Name lookup or Single text field created
2. 3 Widgets created
3. Reply fields (step 29) created

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