Use multiple twilio accounts (if you want agents to pay for their own SMS)

Use multiple twilio accounts (if you want agents to pay for their own SMS)

This setting is useful if you want individual agents or sub teams to pay for their own Twilio SMS costs.

1. Go to Settings,
2. Under the Marketplace click All.

3. Click Installed.

4. Look for the Smooth Messenger - Twilio SMS for Zoho CRM, then click the Settings.

5. Click Advanced Settings.

6. Look for Use multiple Twilio accounts (if you want agents to pay for their own SMS). Then, check the Yes, please option.

How to create Twilio From Numbers.

1. Go to Twilio From Numbers.

2. Click the Create Twilio From Numbers

3. Visit the Twilio console and copy your Twilio number, account SID and auth token.
Put in the Twilio From Number, Auth Token, and Account SID in the box below. Make sure you paste it from the Twilio console so it's definitely correct. 
Click Save if done.

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